Recommended actions based on results

The following are a set of recommended actions that a security team could take, based on the insights that might present in their data following the launch of ASAT and phishing campaigns. Each recommendation includes:

  • The OutThink product required to capture the insight.
  • The insights which combine to drive the recommendation.
  • Why the security team might be interested in prioritising the recommendation and taking further action.

OutThink product(s)
required for insights
Insight 1 Insight 2Recommended
PSRepeat compromise1. EVA nudge to explain the importance of staying vigilant
2. Phishing Tips: What to look out for?
91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PSRepeat compromise1. Additional phishing training91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PSDidn’t engage in additional training when offered (phishing threat perception low)1. Line manager conversation with employee to highlight importance of cybersecurity
2. Consider revoking privileges or exceptions to device, e.g. USB access
91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and discuss why the user has declined to take the additional training offered to support them. Consider if the user’s resistence improving should require removal of privileges to reduce risk.
HRIRepeat compromiseDidn’t engage in additional training when offered (phishing threat perception low)1. Line manager conversation with employee to highlight importance of cybersecurity
2. Consider revoking privileges or exceptions to device, e.g. USB access
91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and discuss why the user has declined to take the additional training offered to support them. Consider if the user’s resistence improving should require removal of privileges to reduce risk.
PSUsers didn’t spend enough time examining email before clicking (compare open timestamp and click timestamp)1. EVA nudge to explain the importance of staying vigilant
2. Phishing Tips: What to look out for?
91% breaches start through compromised users
PSUsers didn’t spend enough time examining email before clicking1. Additional phishing training – Phishing tips: Suspicious links91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
ASATUsers not trained on phishing / have low knowledge on topic1. Additional phishing training91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PS (with MS Graph integrated)Users clicked whilst on holiday / out of office1. EVA nudge on safe email handling whilst OOO91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PS (with MS Graph integrated)Users clicked whilst on holiday / out of office1. Training on safe email handling whilst OOO91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PS (with MS Graph integrated)Users suffer from email fatigue1. Send EVA nudge on safe email box clean up91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PS (with MS Graph integrated)Users suffer from email fatigue1. Training on safe email box clean up91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PS, ASATCompromised usersUsers with admin privilege1. Send list to SOC / CISO for access reviewIf users who have admin privileges are compromised in a breach, the threat actor can more easily navigate the organization using the user’s privileges. This exposes the organizations to much higher risk when trying to contain a breach.
PSCompromised usersCXO level1. Send list to SOC / CISO for further analysisCXO level can be target of breach due to the level of sensitive information they have access to. CXOs compromised in simulations should be alerted to the CISO/SOC for decision of subsequent action
Compromised usersWork in close collaboration with CXO level1. Enroll lateral movement training to usersCXO level can be target of breach due to the level of sensitive information they have access to. Threat actors will move laterally through compromised employees to target CXOs
PSRepeat compromiseUsers who didn’t spend enough time on landing page1. Additional phishing training91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
ASATUsers haven’t completed training1. Automated reminders
2. Manual reminders
3. Line manager escalation
Prompt users to complete training – they may have forgotten and a reminder could be useful. Educate users as to why their completion of training matters – mention compliance and regulatory obligations the business needs to fulfil
PS, ASATCompromised usersUsers with low knowledge on phishing1. Additional phishing training91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
SATUsers with no phishing training1. Assign phishing training91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
PS, ASATCompromised usersUsers with admin privilege1. Re-test with auto-enroll training based on compromise91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk. It is harder to contain a breach if a user is compromised who has admin privileges as the threat actor can use these privileges to propagate through the organization’s IT environment
PSCompromised usersClicked via mobile device1. Training on safe use of mobile devices and phishing91% breaches start through compromised users. Highlighting the impact of compromise and tips on how to avoid can reduce the risk
ASATNew joiner not completed training1. Launch new joiner ongoing Curriculum course.
2. Targeted auto-reminders.
3. Line manager notification
New joiners might not have experienced cybersecurity awareness training previously and might have a lower base knowledge than tenured employees. As part of onboarding, new joiners should gain an introduction to cybersecurity principles and organizational policies to enable them to help protect the firm
ASATLine managers / CXOs not completed training1. Targeted remindersLine managers should be leading by example in demonstrating the importance of engaging with training and learning how they can best watch out for and help the organization prevent cyber threats
ASATUsers haven’t completed trainingUsers with admin privilege1. Targeted reminders.
2. Specific campaigns about admin privilege
Drive higher engagement with users by sending them content which is particularly pertinent to their role, and emphasises the importance of managing privileges properly. Administrative accounts are frequently used in breaches to propagate through IT environments and domains
ASATLine managers with low knowledge / engagement scores1. Offline classroom-based training workshop for these usersLine managers need to lead by example and demonstrate the importance of engaging with training. They also need to help educate their teams and make sure they can support their knowledge and questions, which is why it might be worth investing in classroom-led trainings for these managers
ASATUsers reporting high productivity impactDepartment / Job title breakdown1. Provide list to CISOAnalyse if certain roles have higher productivity impact than others. Understand if policies need to be altered to help support business activities. Security as an enabler of business. 
ASATLine managers who report productivity impact1. Provide list to CISOAnalyse if certain roles have higher productivity impact than others. Understand if policies need to be altered to help support business. Discuss with the line managers as could impact security culture in their team
HRIUsers with high knowledgeUsers reporting high productivity impact1. Provide list to CISOThis group are likely to have valuable feedback on security processes that are not working as well as they could. Where this group reports a serious impact, it is likely that less security-aware employees are either struggling or finding workarounds. View these leaners’ feedback in our system to understand their concerns. If possible, reach out to them to learn more.
HRIUsers who use social media for their roleUsers who haven’t declared their social media use1. Provide social media training to users
2. Engage with social media SMEs in business to discuss education of employees as to what technologies class as social media
Threat actors can use social media engagement with users as a means to starting their breach through the perimeter of an organization’s security controls
HRIUsers who use social media for their roleUsers with low knowledge in social media trainings1. Provide social media training to users
2. Retrain in specific social media modules
Pose higher risk to organisation. Threat actors can use social media engagement with users as a means to starting their breach through the perimeter of an organization’s security controls
HRIUsers are cloud usersHaven’t declared cloud use1. Provide safe cloud use training to users
2. Engage with cloud SMEs in business to discuss education of employees as to what technologies/products class as cloud
Threat actors can use cloud technologies as a means to starting their breach as many cloud technologies are exposed to the internet
HRIUsers are cloud usersLow knowledge in cloud trainings1. Provide safe cloud use training to users
2. Retrain in cloud modules
Threat actors can use cloud technologies as a means to starting their breach as many cloud technologies are exposed to the internet
HRIUsers have access to sensitive dataLow knowledge in sensitive data trainings1. Provide further training on importance of protecting sensitive data, and properly classifying data
2. Share list of users with the SOC / CISO – consider revoking privileges
If users who have admin privileges are compromised in a breach, the threat actor can more easily navigate the organization using the user’s privileges. This exposes the organizations to much higher risk when trying to contain a breach.
HRIUsers have privilege accessLow knowledge in privilege access trainings1. Provide further training on importance of protecting sensitive data, and properly classifying data
2. Share list of users with the SOC / CISO – consider revoking privileges
If users who have admin privileges are compromised in a breach, the threat actor can more easily navigate the organization using the user’s privileges. This exposes the organizations to much higher risk when trying to contain a breach.
HRIUsers with high confidence​ in their cybersecurity capabilitiesUsers with mid / low engagement​1. Provide a list of users to each line manager to discuss their lower than average engagement in training
Users have high confidence in identifying threats, but lower than average engagement in training content – are they over-confident?​ Is the content too easy? 
HRIUsers with high confidence​ in their cybersecurity capabilitiesUsers with low demonstrated knowledge​1. Provide a list of users to each line manager to discuss their lower than average knowledge in training, despite high confidenceUsers have high confidence in their ability but their knowledge demonstrated is low – are they over-confident?​
HRIUsers with low demonstrated knowledge​Users reporting high productivity​ impact1. Provide a list of users to the SOC / CISO – would we consider additional controls on their devices or review of privilege
2. Line managers to discuss with users why they are reporting high productivity impact, and remind users of the importance of cybersecurity and staying alert to threats
Users believe their productivity is being hit and their knowledge is demonstrated to be low – will they follow the training or likely bypass in favour of productivity, and could this enhance the risk to the organization?​
HRIUsers with low demonstrated knowledge​Users with access to sensitive data​1. Discuss with their line manager on how they can be better supported in their learning
2. Share list with SOC/CISO
Users demonstrating low knowledge of content but have access to sensitive data​
HRIUsers with mid / low intention to comply with policy​Users with privilege access​1. Share list with SOC/CISO for consideration of privileges being revoked
2. Discuss with their line manager who should emphasise to the employee the importance of complying with policy, and to understand why the user indicated they might not.
User demonstrates low / mid intention to comply with training learnings, but also has access to privileged systems​
HRIUsers demonstrating low phishing resilience​Users with access to sensitive data / privilege access​1. Share list with SOC/CISO for consideration of privileges being revoked
2. Discuss with their line manager who should emphasise to the employee the importance of staying vigilant to cybersecurity threats, and taking time to inspect emails before interacting with links etc.
User demonstrates low phishing resilience, so is more susceptible to a threat actor, and also has access to privilege systems / sensitive data​. If a breach were to occur through the user’s account, the threat actor has the potential to move laterally through the network using the privilege access.
HRIUsers reporting high impact to productivity ​Users with devices outside of policy1. Share list with the SOC / CISO for consideration of revoking exceptions or adding additional security controls to the deviceUser believes their productivity is being hit by following security policies, and their device is non-compliant with policy – could they circumvent teachings and be susceptible to breach?​
HRIUsers with privilege accessUsers with devices outside of policy1. Share list with the SOC / CISO for consideration of revoking privilegesUsers have privilege access, and their device is non-compliant with policy – if they were to be targeted, could threat actors easily use their device to propagate through the network?
HRIUsers who demonstrate low phishing resilienceUsers with devices outside of policy1. Share list with the SOC / CISO for consideration of adding additional security controls to the deviceUsers have been susceptible to compromise in simulations, and their device is non-compliant with policy – if they were to be targeted, is a breach more likely and could threat actors easily use their device to propagate through the network?
HRIUsers with low phishing threat perception, who refuse additional training on compromiseUsers with devices outside of policy1. Share list with the SOC / CISO for consideration of adding additional security controls to the deviceUsers have been susceptible to compromise in simulations, and their device is non-compliant with policy – if they were to be targeted, is a breach more likely and could threat actors easily use their device to propagate through the network?
HRIUsers with low demonstrated knowledge​Users with devices outside of policy1. Share list with the SOC / CISO for consideration of adding additional security controls to the deviceUsers are not as aware of security policy and best practice, and their device is non-compliant with policy – if they were to be targeted, is a breach more likely and could threat actors easily use their device to propagate through the network?
HRIUsers with low engagement in trainingUsers with devices outside of policy1. Share list with the SOC / CISO for consideration of adding additional security controls to the deviceUsers are not as aware of security policy and best practice, and their device is non-compliant with policy – if they were to be targeted, is a breach more likely and could threat actors easily use their device to propagate through the network?
HRIUsers who demonstration low intention to comply with policyUsers with devices outside of policy1. Share list with the SOC / CISO for consideration of adding additional security controls to the deviceUsers have indicated they might not comply with security policy, and their device is non-compliant with policy – if they were to be targeted, is a breach more likely and could threat actors easily use their device to propagate through the network?
HRIUsers who demonstrate low phishing resilienceUsers with high possibility of email fatigue​ due to volume of emails received1. Training on safe email box clean upUser demonstrates low phishing resilience and also receives a very high number of emails a day – could this combination result in a higher chance of breach?​
HRIUsers with high engagement / high knowledge​Users who demonstrate high intention to comply​ with security policies1. Security champions. Thank them. Understand how you can use them to excite others / drive others to care about securityA security champion! How can you use their aptitude to influence and educate others?​
HRIUsers who demonstrate high intention to comply​ with security policiesUsers who indicate no productivity​ impact due to security policies1. Security champions. Thank them. Understand how you can use them to excite others / drive others to care about security
2. Provide list to CISO to talk with them and understand why they don’t believe policies impact their role – learn for communication of business and security working in harmony
A security champion! How can you use their aptitude to influence and persuade others that productivity doesn’t need to take a hit?​
HRIUsers demonstrating frequent social media in their roleUsers who declared social media use in their role1. Training on social media useThreat actors can use social media engagement with users as a means to starting their breach through the perimeter of an organization’s security controls
ASATUsers who demonstrate low intention to comply with security policiesDepartment / Job title breakdown1. Provide a list of users to the SOC / CISO – look for trends to understand if the users’ role or departmental responsibilities mean there is higher chance of conflict between business and cybersecurityAn opportunity to understand more about the friction between business and cybersecurity – are there certain roles or departments which are impacted more by security policy than others? What can be learned about this, and can action be taken to improve the balance?
HRIUsers with devices outside of policyDepartment / Job title breakdown1. Provide a list of users to the SOC / CISO – look for trends to understand if the users’ role or departmental responsibilities mean there is higher chance of conflict between business and cybersecurity, meaning exceptions are requiredAn opportunity to learn more about why devices are out of policy – is it due to a user’s role or department requiring exceptions to be granted. Can additional controls be put in place to mitigate the exceptions?
HRIUsers with devices outside of policyUsers who demonstrate high intention to comply​ with security policies1. Provide a list of users to the SOC / CISO – understand why the exceptions have been granted, and how they have enabled the users to comply with other security policies An opportunity to learn more about why devices are out of policy – what exceptions have been granted which mean a user intends to comply? Are those exceptions still needed?